Saturday Jul 6, to Mon Jul 8 2024
Bike all day and dance all night. There are 3 routes around Tatamagouche, NS that have been explored and documented by our bike hero Larry Layton. Highlights include scenic routes and museums, one museum on each loop. (Grist Mill Museum, Steam Mill Museum and the Malagash Salt Miners Museum). Distance for the three routes are 30, 36, and 36 miles. Rides will be on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
This is also the weekend of the Riverfront Rhythms in Conns Mills (close by). An arts and dance party featuring DJs and artists from Halifax, Moncton, PEI, and INTERNATIONAL. There will be artists showcasing their work, live painting, interactive art experiences and a dance floor open for those who want to show off their moves after biking away the day.
Accommodation can be booked at the hotel Balmoral Hotel ( in Tatamagouche , a busy place but has a very good cancel policy. There are also two close campgrounds, AirBnBs and good restaurants, couple of brew pubs, a neat little town.
Map of Routes:
Contact Julian Screawn @506-830-6463 or