Each year the club holds a main camping trip. We would like to have input from the membership regarding where this event should be held this year. In the future we hope to include several locations in New England and farther into Quebec but we don’t plan to include them this year.
Below is a list of options being considered for the main camping trip.
1. Cape Breton Highlands National Park (eastern (Ingonish) portion). https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/ns/cbreton
2. Gaspecie National Park (Mont Albert). https://www.sepaq.com/pq/gas/index.dot?language_id=1
3. Forillon National Park, Gaspe. https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/qc/forillon
I ask that members respond via email indicating which event(s) you would attend this year if it fits your schedule. (you can indication more than one, all if you wish). This input will be used to decide which event we will plan.
Please respond by email only by Feb 15, 2022.
Phil Hardy