Fall 2024 Véloroute Acadian Peninsula Biking Trip
Saturday, September 28th and Sunday, September 29th
Come cycling with us to explore the vibrant fall colours of the Acadian Peninsula, a cycling paradise with its famous Véloroute. This legendary network boasts over 600 kilometres of meticulously maintained trails.
Saturday, September 28th – CHECK in at 9:45 am and DEPART at 10:00 am
Route: Inkerman to Bertrand.
Begin and finish at the Inkerman church. (~60 km, mostly on a paved path).
Sunday, September 29th – CHECK in at 10:15 am. DEPART at 10:30 am
Route: Tracadie region, covering Circuit 12 + 12B + 12C (~50 km of paved path).
Leaving from the Deux Rivières Resort.
Deux Rivières Resort in Tracadie-Sheila (hotel rooms and cabins)
Various Airbnbs in the area
Bike Rentals:
Deux Rivières Resort
Welcome Centre in Caraquet
Useful Apps:
TrailForks and Ondago are great for navigating the area
Véloroute Acadian Peninsula Website
Organizer – Jennifer Prinz
Please email Jennifer at jennifer_prinz@hotmail.com, so we know how many are joining us on this cycling trip.