Location: 80 Mount Pleasant Road, Moncton, (Please park on the road, the lot is for residents only)
Time: Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 7:00pm
A meeting will be held to prepare a schedule of events for July, August and September 2022, all members are welcome. This is a good opportunity for members to become involved in operation of the club. Any member can offer to lead an event or suggest an event. (An event normally refers to a hike but could include other types of outdoor activities including weekend trips.)
With COVID restrictions ended and some feeling a bit more freedom the big issue now is fuel prices. We all have experienced the shock of the price to fill the tank and question if we want to make a long trip for a hike. I have done some math. One of our longest drives is to Advocate Harbour, NS (Cape Chignecto Park) at a return distance of 300km. Base on a Honda CRV actual average fuel consumption of 8.6l/100km the total fuel consumed would be 26 litres. Last summer the fuel cost was about $1.40/l, vs about $2.00 now. The costs for the trip would be $36.40 vs $52.00, an increase $15.60. Most people are more comfortable with car pooling this year than last so if you consider one more person in the vehicle the cost of the trip is similar. (not an argument, just something to consider as the number of these longer trips is often discussed at scheduling meetings).
Phil Hardy – phil-hardy@hotmail.com