With the end of the circuit breaker we will now be back on schedule starting this weekend. The scheduled events are:
November 20th Saturday – Hike to the Parlee Brook Falls (location of Ice Wall) and Friar’s Nose, off the Parlee Brook Rd. near Poley Mt. then drive 6km to Glebe Rd to hike to the falls at the location of Glebe Road Ice Wall. Strenuous, 12 km. Meet at Centennial Park by Dog Park at 9: 00 am or Parlee Brook Rd at 10:00am. Contact Kevin at 871-4457.
August 21st Sunday – Hike from Sussex Corner to Sussex and return. Easy, 10km. Meet at Centennial Park by Dog Park at 10:00 am or at Sullivan Park at 11:00. Contact Marilyn at 386-6579.